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Soft diet prior to surgery - brushed fare prior to surgery

20-12-2016 à 01:34:41
Soft diet prior to surgery
They assert that when our dogs are not fed a species appropriate diet, their organs become overburdened carrying out work they were not originally designed to do. Red meats and organs are extremely healthful for your dog but they also produce the most ammonia. Would you contact me regarding my 5 yr old Llasa Apso who had struvite crystal removal surgery in Dec 2013 and had elevated liver enzymes and now has even higher elevated liver enzymes. If feeding red meat, it should be the best quality red meat you can find. It should be very affordable to feed such a small dog a raw prey model diet. I recently took her to the vet because she has been peeing on the floor. My ShihTzu has liver failure, Not renal. My dog just got diagnosed with a copper storage disease, can you please give me any information you have how to help my little westie. Boiled chicken he LOVES, i tried squash and sweet potatoe and wont even try it. There are various underlying causes for this edema, including liver disease. In my opinion, the best diet for dogs is the one that they evolved to eat: raw meat, raw bones, and raw organs. her issue is she has a really bloated stomach. Will you please send me info regarding raw diet that will benefit my great dane who has copper issues. Studies have shown that it boosts and supports liver function. This happens because the molecular structure of raw meat changes and all moisture is removed, condensing the protein. In fact, to illustrate how the nutritional knowledge base of the average veterinarian can be limited consider this: Many vets prescribe low protein diets for dogs suffering with liver disease by. I am already suspect of grocery store meat for humans. Bile acid aids in the breakdown of food, helps with fat absorption, and moderates levels of cholesterol. The vet has him on amoxicillin, hill prescription LD canned food and a milk thistle SamE supplement. There are also sources of wild caught certified organic salmon oil that will provide the Omega 3 nutrient. e. We have no way of knowing the truth until the lawsuit is over. It was too late they said so he had to be put down. If he is not hungry, let him skip meals. Since removing the medications he has wagged his tail and played with his favorite toy. Surgeons repairing a ruptured Achilles tendon on a man. Can you just tell me what raw food you would use. Wild canines do not enjoy such a luxury, and it is not uncommon for them to fast for periods longer than a day. Remember, dogs lie on the floor, eat things off the floor, then lick themselves. China has a history of tainted foods with heavy use of chemicals and additives. Raw meats known to be greasy and rich in fat are duck, lamb, bison, buffalo, or certain low quality cuts of beef (from concentrated feeding lots) or meat packing plants. ). Resection is the removal of all or part of an internal organ or part of the body. Then these already nutrient deficient foods are cooked twice, first in rendering, second in the extruder. Iron (occurs after pets accidentally consume vitamin and mineral supplements, especially high iron prenatal vitamins, disposable hand warmers, and iron fortified fertilizers). One such example of a liver cleansing food is apple cider vinegar. Red meat seems to produce the most ammonia, followed by fish and chicken, and eggs produce the least. Copper seems to be a contributor to liver issues. In my view, his illness is a manifestation that is body is not in balance. As for what to feed in a species appropriate diet, dogs are carnivores. As his guardian, I would try to provide an environment that will support his immune and liver function: provide clean uncontaminated filtered water, uncooked food that is easier to digest, and remove chemicals and anything with artificial fragrances from the home environment. It helps to harmonize the liver and promote cleansing. Canine prescriptions have serious side effects and long-term use often leads to the deterioration of the liver as well. Carbohydrate rich foods such as rice, pasta, and legumes are very hard for dogs to digest, cause stress to the digestive system and body, and are inappropriate foods for carnivores. Please. The ingredients for the food to make it. The patient or subject on which the surgery is performed can be a person or an animal. Illness is a symptom of an underlying imbalance. Transplant surgery is the replacement of an organ or body part by insertion of another from different human (or animal) into the patient. Carnivores eat raw meat, raw bones, and raw organs. While you should consult your veterinarian, recommended dosages are often 200 milligrams per fifty pounds of body weight provided in between meals. Since being hospitalized his ALT has come down from 5994 to 1975. If you have a sick dog or a dog with liver disease, providing clean filtered water will help remove additional toxins, making things easier on your dog and their liver. Second, feeding less protein is incorrectly advised because it came about from tests completed with cooked or processed protein, not tests completed with raw protein. Being aware of what type of liver issues or disease your dog has will be key in formulating an appropriate diet and deciding on supplements needed. By body part: When surgery is performed on one organ system or structure, it may be classed by the organ, organ system or tissue involved. Another problem I find is that they often contain inappropriate ingredients for carnivores, like fruits and vegetables, which are hard for the carnivore digestive system to handle. Additives and emulsifiers such as: anti caking and anti gelling agents, artificial colors and flavors, curing and drying agents, condiments, humectants, grinding agents, leavening agents, palatants, lubricants, pelleting agents, petroleum by products, pH controlling agents, stabilizers, spices, sweeteners, thickeners and texturizers. The vet did an ultra sound and could not find her liver so she did an axray to find out her liver is very tiny compared to a normal size for her type. This is why diarrhea or constipation are known to be side effects of antibiotics. All of these are important in assisting a return to optimal health. A picky eater may lose the choosiness when the feeding time is once a day instead of twice. (June 2016) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ). Always use all natural cleaning products safe for pets. The key thought is to achieve balance over time. Vitamin K can be supplemented with probiotic bacteria that will help restore the ability to produce Vitamin K within the body. My dog has elevated ALT levels and the vet says to use the Royal Canine food. Illness, or rather dis-ease, is believed to be a symptom of an imbalance within the body. Make a pot of bone broth and serve alone or with food. I found this article while Googling a solution for his liver problems. , which will supply a balance of different white and red meats and a balance of nutrients. certified organic, free range, hormone free, antibiotic free, and grass fed. I wonder if you would be able to help me please. If Bear were my dog, I would give him clean filtered water, and raw food from the best protein sources I could find. Hi, could you email me a sample diet as well. Filed Under: Raw Diet If you enjoyed this article, sign up for our email list for free information. I want to make sure I feed her to help her liver. Surgery usually spans minutes to hours, but it is typically not an ongoing or periodic type of treatment. Diamond has been on the recall list many, many times due to the contamination of their gairns with some sort of mold or toxin (aflotoxin. Fish, poultry and eggs produce the least amount of ammonia and can be fed in higher quantities. In my experience, once my dog adopted a raw diet, he completely stopped eating his stools or the stools of other animals. Certified organic eggs, grass fed beef, and oil rich fish such as wild caught sardines and salmon can provide easily digestible Omega 3. Feel free to help others by sharing knowledge, something that has worked for your dog, or provide suggestions for others looking for help with liver disease. More importantly, bone broth contains an important amino acid for liver health. The real problem I am experiencing is that he can be very picky with what he will eat on any given day. I have an 8 year old miniature dachshund named Trevor, who is now almost 10kg due to ascities. She is currently on the Purina vet Rx EN canned which is supposed to be gentle on the GI tract and she loves it. Okay, we went on a bit of a rant to explain why commercial pet foods and veterinary prescribed commercial diets for liver disease are no good. I plan to manage her diet and want to supplement with vitamins and milk thistle. Vitamin K deficiency can cause internal or external bleeding. Canine Liver Disease: How A Raw Diet Can Help. M. Most livers that have not yet reached this point are still capable of carrying out the duty of ammonia removal even if a small portion of the liver is affected. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Here are the ingredients for Hills Healthy Advantage Adult Canine. I do not have all the money to do all the test at once, but want to start helping her right now. Other days he might eat Chicken Breasts, Minced Beef (Raw or Lightly Seared ). As pet owners and caregivers, we should always strive to serve the best quality protein that we can afford. This is a lot of info to digest and I need simple help on what to use NOW to help my pet. Take advice that dogs with liver disease need to be on a low protein diet with a grain of salt. I have always fed him Royan Canin Kibble but he stopped wanting that just before Xmas. Cosmetic surgery is done to subjectively improve the appearance of an otherwise normal structure. This is often sprayed over the kibble to make it appealing to your dog. Surgical procedures are commonly categorized by urgency, type of procedure, body system involved, degree of invasiveness, and special instrumentation. Please send me a message if you have time. L-Carnitine is recommended in 500 milligrams per fifty pounds of body weight daily and L-Arginine is recommended in 250 milligrams per fifty pounds of body weight daily. You can move on to feeding other chicken parts. If it were me, I would do all possible to feed him a raw diet, and from your comment, it appears you are trying to do that. I just need to know how to cut some of the things people recommend down for a small dog. Regardless, this is a good point when it comes to higher quality kibble. If your dog were mine, I would feed her a raw prey model diet, ensure she had adequate sources of clean filtered water to cleanse and flush her system, and see that she got appropriate exercise to help balance and strengthen her body. I stopped all medications when informed of the liver disease. My dog seems to have the same issue as yours. As noted above, dogs with liver illness do very well on a high quality protein diet. A species specific diet should supply adequate vitamins and minerals. An help you can provide will be a blessing. Bone broth is an excellent source of glycine. Research indicates that ammonia in certain animal proteins can be damaging to the liver. I gave her carrots for treats with occasional piece of cheese. I have begun feeding the Blue Buffalo Low fat diet. Here are the ingredients for Hills Prescription Diet LD for Canine Hepatic Health. In fact, poor quality proteins or too little protein for that matter can further damage the liver. , led the research and found. Tap water can contain contaminants like heavy metals, excessive minerals, chlorine, or pesticides. They need excellent quality protein—the same as what we humans would eat. My Chihuahua had a high ALT so after researching I put her on Stella and Chewys freeze dried raw chicken diet. I hope the following information is helpful to you. My 6 year old female Springer Spaniel had blood work prior to removing what turned out to be benign cyst. A common cause of liver damage is accidental consumption of medications and supplements. Hi Suzanne, I understand your concern for your dog, especially since you have already experienced the loss of a dog due to liver failure. I have read so much and am nearly at my wits end. We started Denamarin approx 4 months ago and her liver enzymes dropped a little. Check the food ingredient label for information, and find out if there are added ingredients such as fruit, vegetables, vitamins and minerals. Prescription Pet Food for Liver Disease Is No Better. This is a dangerous type of brain dysfunction created by high levels of ammonia and other toxins in the blood. My 13 yr. Kudos to you for wanting to manage her diet. The best thing for our carnivore pets is to give them the food that they evolved to eat and thrive upon. Please note: comments are for discussion on the topic as a whole. The death count for innocent pets that consumed pet food or treats from China is considerable already. Be aware of indicator plants that require selenium for growth. ANY help or advice or which raw food diet which comes balanced would be greatly appreciated. Excision is the cutting out or removal of an organ, tissue, or other body part from the patient. The fat fed should also be kinds that are easily digested such as fats found from animal protein sources. I take her back again in three months but its looking good so far. Supplementation with a good soil based organism probiotic can assist in re-establishing the probiotic balance. Grass fed or pasture raised meats are best. You can check out the carnivore nutrition consultant that we work with,, for information on the consultations. I have MS and unable to prepare my own raw food. Emergency surgery is surgery which must be done promptly to save life, limb, or functional capacity. Sometimes antibiotics are a necessary and can be life saving. She also could not give a reasoning for lexi drinking excessive abounds of water. Cats were made by nature to eat meat, not grain, and they do not need a high-fiber diet. This is a lot of info to digest and I need simple help on what to use NOW to help my pet. He will not eat regular dog food and he is losing more weight. I found your article really good and I want to learn how to feed my dogs to try to avoid issues to begin with. If it were my dog with a liver problem, I would not want to put further burden on his or her body by giving inappropriate foods. Finally, I assume you are giving your dog yogurt to attempt to re-establish his digestive bacteria that were destroyed by the antibiotic. Anyway, your advice on frequency of feeding, and what to feed and for how long until I can add other protein sources would be amazing. My vet recommended Denamarin (SamE and Silybin from milk thistle) to supplement her liver. Lead (commonly found in lead dust and paint chips of older homes, and a plethora of other objects). The following 7 suggestions and their explanations are provided below. My dog is suffering from liver damage following Sego palm poisoning two weeks ago. Though, for dog owners, one of the biggest challenges in treating liver disease is sorting through all the misinformation out there. This has helped encourage me to stick with raw. I would love if you could email me more information about a raw diet. Based on purpose: Exploratory surgery is performed to aid or confirm a diagnosis. Get meat from the best sources you can find, i. Dogs with jaundice may have a yellow appearance to the whites of the eyes, gums, tongue, or inside ears. If you want the best chances for avoiding food borne pathogens, feed home made raw diets (BARF or prey model) from food fit for human consumption.

Well, feeding commercial pet foods might deliver the same result. My Aussie is 10 years old and has back pain. The vet has basically just told me to wait for the worst to happen:(. I do know I want to change his diet to the raw diet. Would you mind foward me the same message too pls. Some days I get so desperate for him to eat that I try anything i. Make sure your supplements, antibiotics, and drugs are kept out of reach of pets. Surgery is a technology consisting of a physical intervention on tissues. These meats will have the right combination of amino acids. Selenium (commonly occurring after consuming plants or water with high selenium content. They are free of by-products and are all meat. She must drink 2-3 quarts a day and pees it right back out (diluted urine). The vet performed a liver ultra sound and his liver was of normal size no masses and no shunt. Plus, proteins with high biological values leave less waste for the liver to deal with. I would avoid commercially prepared pet foods, as they contain synthetic additives for flavor and to increase nutrient content. Her liver enzymes ALT were high and white blood cell coundt PLT were low. I would appreciate any help you can give. Carbon Tetracholride (found in fire extinguishers and cleaning agents). I give my dogs dog vitamins but how do I know if it is good quality or the right ones etc. Their urine may also turn dark brown and their stools may be putty colored. Not only is cooked or processed protein a poor quality, the moisture content is removed making the protein count higher. Feel free to contact me and I can put you in touch with the carnivore nutrition consultant we work with. Sorry. Phosphorus (commonly found in fertilizers, pesticides, and rodenticides). I recommend learning all you can about liver disease and taking a holistic approach to treating it through proper diet and supplementation. In fact, the pet food industry and the FDA go as far as trying to sway public opinion that raw food is more dangerous than dry food. There is no need for panic if you dog decides to skip a meal once in a while, as long as he is staying hydrated. Their digestive systems are designed to digest meat and soft bones. I am in the same predicament as Amy Marshall above with my 12 year old miniature doxie. High amounts of rendered animal fat or vegetable fat and oils from leftover restaurant grease traps. There are several things that can cause stomach swelling or bloating in dogs. I have other dogs, who are healthy, so if I choose change her to a raw diet, I will change all of them. Supplementation is a great way to provide extra nutrients our dogs need to heal. Please if you can give me any advice as to how I can help him I would be very gratefull, Thanks again, Helen. Dogs whose livers cannot remove ammonia may often show signs for Hepatic Encephalopathy. e Tinned Tuna in Sunflower Oil or Spring Water, or Cat food (such as Chicken in Jelly). As you might have read in our article on canine liver disease, the liver has the ability to regenerate itself. Could you please shoot me the same email. Even more important, protein is necessary for regeneration of the liver. Dogs with advanced or end stage liver disease may have integral bleeding because their livers have trouble with blood clotting. The professor of Veterinary Medicine at the university, Herman A Hazewinkel, D. Hi Amy my dog recently has had liver issues. The vet was unsure if it was a congenital defect or a disease attacking her liver. My vets have no answers for me and a nutritionist at Cornell gave me a special diet that is not helping her diet- chicken, rice or pasta, omega3, soybean oil, centrum, tums antacid, salt and chlorine. Hi, I have been told that the likelihood is that my 10 year old Beagle has liver cancer following an ultrasound scan in January. Despite what many believe, dogs were built to eat meat and actually digest raw protein the easiest. They want to do an ultrasound and re-check her blood in 4 weeks. A look at the numbers should tell you all you need to know. I just lost my 10 year old Yorkie to liver issues. Hepatic Encephalopathy is generally a symptom of liver failure and end stage liver disease. Bile acid is produced in the liver from cholesterol and other compounds. Reconstructive surgery involves reconstruction of an injured, mutilated, or deformed part of the body. The worst sores are inbetween the pads of her paws. My chihuahua is VERY picky but she likes the duck and the beef. We supplement it with a hard boiled egg and canine Omega 3 geltab every day. I have a 9-year-old Havanese who is 11. After his ultra sound scan he was sent home with a bag of Royal Canin Hepatic kibble which he just will not eat. Either way the vet says, she could not rebuild her liver but rather be on a light diet to prolong her life. I have done some reading and research about the raw diet and there is so much info out there. If Trevor were my dog, I would eliminate toxins in his environment, and use the laws of natural health in an effort to help him (species specific food, clean uncontaminated water, mild exercise, natural sunshine, clean air, adequate rest, balanced life). In general, dogs tend to do better with less frequent feedings, because it gives the digestive system time to rest, so feeding once a day is usually recommended. (How often do you feed him. In addition, the processed nature of the food makes it difficult for your dog to digest. He also has a heart murmur and I give him Q10, Omega 3 and he is also taking Denamarin once a day which I get from my vet. 5 pounds. I completely understand your desire to help your dog get back to better health, and your concern about what and how often to feed him. A species appropriate diet is one of the best ways to help a body heal. Oh and I am giving my dog plain greek yogurt for the probiotics. She has no jaundice and a great appetite, but suffering from the sores. My 10 year old ShihTzu is supposedly in the end stages of renal failure. We took him to his vet who did blood work and his liver enzymes were high. Poor quality rendered protein that can contain diseased, sick, or euthanized animals. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Thus, the toxins are reabsorbed into the body. Household cleaners and anything used on surfaces and floors can be toxic to your pets. Normally he ate twice a day, but I feel like he needs several small meals. Can I please get a email on this information too. From reading your article I think that may not be the best food for her and I definitely should start to give her filtered water. When they did the blood test the water part was tainted yellow. Dogs with liver disease often have trouble retaining water-soluble vitamins, so it may be a good idea to supplement these. The foods noted above (eggs, fish, poultry, etc. Dogs in the advanced stages of liver failure may show signs for another condition called Jaundice. He is on so many medications: Tramadol, Antihistimine and Carprofen. Dogs can certainly drink tap water but think about why you drink filtered water. Can u please help me also with a simple answer as to what to feed my 10 lb chi mix with elevated ALT levels almost 5x the normal. Please be advised that if owners give their dogs a Glucosamine Chondroitin supplement with MSM, the dog must be off MSM four days prior to a liver enzyme test, otherwise there can be false positives (results will be awry). I know its not good but I resorted to giving him cat food etc when he would eat it just to keep him energy up. Please help on starting raw diet for copper storage disease. One of the tasks of the liver is to remove ammonia, a by-product of protein digestion. What name brand of dog food can I get for his liver disease. Introduce new meats one at a time for a few feedings to make sure it is well tolerated. And as mentioned above, intestinal bacteria manufactures vitamin k, a vitamin important for liver health. Any advice or recommendations for a specialist would be most appreciated. An recommendations you can give me would help. Follow the 7 steps provided above and hopefully your dog will be on the path to recovery. She just had blood work done before having teeth extracted and they told me that they found some problems. If you have specific questions related to the health of your dog instead of a general comment on the post, please head over to my contact page to get in touch. ) will provide high quality, easily digested protein. There was another study conducted in 1993 at the Utrecht University in the Netherlands on Great Dane puppies. The next step would be to have a liver biopsy, but I agree that it would only tell us what was wrong and not be able to treat him. More important, which foods will aid in recovery and which foods will exacerbate the condition further. There are many resources on the internet to help you get started, from groups on Facebook to Yahoo groups to articles posted on the Web. His bile acid test was normal as well as his pancreas. D. Chemicals used in your yard and inside your home are dangerous to your dog. A semi-elective surgery is one that must be done to avoid permanent disability or death, but can be postponed for a short time. On Friday she was feeling unwell and her urine turned dark reddish-brown, but much like the last event the urine issue resolved itself in about 24 hours and she appears to be on the mend. The following is a great list of supplements that can be provided to dogs with liver disease. , Ph. Just to let you know Boo is a small dog, she is a chiweenie. I am already suspect of grocery store meat for humans. Do I just but grass fed beef or hormone free chicken and give raw. They also have an improved fatty acid composition, higher levels of healthy omega-3s, a better saturated fat composition, increased antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and 2 to 3 more times conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which has potent antioxidant activity and is known to protect against heart disease, diabetes, and cancers. I have been feeding my Basset Blue Buffalo for years and recently found out he has a bad liver. Research has proven that milk thistle may also be able to prevent or reduce medication induced liver disease or damage by flushing out medication and chemicals residing in the body. Homemade cleaning products are just as effective at eliminating germs and bacteria compared to standard household cleaners and are safe for your pets. Commercial Pet Foods Are Not Suitable for Dogs with Liver Disease. The vets seem to be doing little to help and are slow in making any changes. Another idea is to obtain a consultation from a veterinary naturopath or carnivore nutrition coach for more specific suggestions. The prey model raw diet provides the right balance of nutrients, and raw food has a high moisture content that dogs need in their food. She is on an antibiotic for 30 days (twice a day). My little girl has not been completely diagnosed with a liver issue. As for what to feed, consider feeding balance of varying meats. I know it is difficult, but I would not let my dog govern the choice of food. We humans are used to eating several times a day. Vet says this is end stage and raw food will change nothing at this point. Glycine helps the liver to perform vital detox activities, it also aids in digestion by regulating synthesis of bile salts and gastric acid secretion. By degree of invasiveness of surgical procedures: Minimally-invasive surgery involves smaller outer incision(s) to insert miniaturized instruments within a body cavity or structure, as in laparoscopic surgery or angioplasty. All of their dogs adapt to the feeding schedule provided. She is in no pain, but I do not want to let it get to that point. This means the vitamins are not stored in the body and must be replaced each day. So most of what I have found is for BIG dogs. The best thing for pets facing health challenges is to provide them with nutrition as natural as possible, and to avoid processed foods as much as possible. I just need to know where to get started. However, wings are very bony, and do not provide the correct bone:meat ratio. I am now desperate to try any diet possible to assist his system. V. However, they may need to be restricted depending on what type of liver disease or condition your dog has. at this time we do not know the exact one, they say we need to do some test to be sure. The best thing I can tell you about supplementation is to see what the dosage amounts are on the label, and adjust accordingly for the weight of your dog. I bought, raw, dehydrated dog food at the natural food store that he is still reluctant to eat. old Maremma Sheepdog was taken off Rimadyl because of elevated liver enzymes. Any advice would not only be taken but appreciated greatly. I have contacted (2) local holistic vets in my area as well, but I want to start him on the right foods. Have you have any success with a natural diet. Dogs are carnivores and need meat for food. There are many sources on the internet which can help you research raw food, and current thinking on the causes of copper disease. My 6lb chihuahua is suffering from his liver and i would like to go on a raw diet but im not sure what foods should i give him. Jeanette Thomason, CVND both hold doctorate degrees in Veterinary Naturopathy. Improper use of antibiotics may magnify liver problems. Hey Everyone, thanks so much for your comments. Marrow bones also have a high fat content. If it were my pack of dogs, I would change them all over to a raw diet. Arsenic (commonly found in rat poison, insecticides, herbicides and wood preservatives). There are many supplements that your holistic vets may suggest, such as probiotics with Soil Based Organisms, and enzymes to help improve nutrient absorption. A lifetime of commercial, dry pet food is the reason dogs are sick today. A couple of food items I would use to vary the diet would be certified organic eggs, and fresh sardines. If you got a reply would you forward to me please as one of my Shih-Tzus (9) has now got liver disease. He had an xray on his liver which showed his liver is very small. Commercial pet food is the epitome of toxic. This harsh process destroys what vitamins, minerals or enzymes the food originally had and is the reason manufacturers must fortify the food. Although this is considered a relatively rare adverse side effect, read the information sheets that come with the medication. Removing an organ or body part from a live human or animal for use in transplant is also a type of surgery. He usually has natures diet raw food but that seems to be wrong according to comment. You can feed chicken, turkey, lamb, pork, buffalo, venison, rabbit, eggs, beef etc. I recommend talking with to your vet and presenting your questions in order to make an informed decision. I hope these ideas help, and wish you and your dog the best. Tonight he turned his nose up to the beef and chicken and ended up eating a tin of tuna. They should not be eliminated entirely because they contain important nutrients that help with liver function. Hi Debbie, so sorry for the delay in responding. Ultrasound showed no signs of abnormalities and he has no signs of encephalopathy. Because fat is processed in the liver and gall bladder, too much fat could further stress the liver. Depending on the source of the venison, I have seen recommendations to package it in appropriate portion sizes and freeze it for a couple of weeks before feeding it.

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